Thursday, June 28, 2012

Signs of Pregnancy

It happens in life that a curiosity arouses in your heart to know certain facts related to your life and functioning of your body. One of the most important facts that an every woman or a teen aged girl, will like to know are the signs of pregnancy. The early signs of pregnancy before a missed period will make you alert, to take proper precaution on time or plan your motherhood, beforehand. There are many symptoms that will help you realize that “you are pregnant’ and you just need to observe them carefully. Although a doctor is the best person to confirm your pregnancy, but the changes that occur in the body due to pregnancy can be observed minutely by a female, and thus they can easily confirm their pregnancy by themselves, even before meeting a doctor.

Pregnancy Signs

Let’s have a look at the signs of pregnancy that will help you know, whether you are pregnant. Some of the symptoms of pregnancy are as follows:

Missed Period: It is the most common sign that says that you are pregnant. If you are a sexually active female and you have a regular menstrual cycle, then missing a regular period in a month, is most probably, the obvious sign of pregnancy. If it happens, consult a doctor immediately.

Vomiting and Nausea: Nausea and vomiting, which is also popularly known as morning sickness is one of the symptoms of pregnancy. Often, it continues until the second trimester and it is possible that all women may or may not experience this sign during their pregnancy.

Changes in Breast: There will be few changes in the breast taking place, if you are pregnant such as breast tenderness, change in its size, increase in sensitivity, and darkening of areola.

Feel Urination Frequently: It is also one of the most common pregnancy sign and you might feel frequent urination during pregnancy. If it happens it is possible that you are pregnant.

Feeling Sleepy: Fatigue and sleepiness most often, can also be the sign confirming that you are pregnant.

There are many other signs of pregnancy too, but the few mentioned above are the most common symptoms of pregnancy. A doctor can tell you better after examining and carrying out some tests, whether you are pregnant, but it is possible that you might be pregnant, if you are facing the above pregnancy symptoms.

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