Saturday, March 30, 2013

Get Pregnancy Facts And Tips You Need To Know

Though pregnancy is natural, it is also scary and perhaps confusing for a pregnant woman. When pregnant, the mother's body changes, as does the lifestyle of the whole family. There are a lot of tips available to help relax expectant parents. Get started with your education!

On a side note, if you've tried everything but still haven't achieved pregnancy, here's the best piece of advice I can give you... check out the Pregnancy Miracle by clicking this link!

Women who are expecting should ensure that they protect themselves from over-exposure to the sun. Your skin will be more sensitive when pregnant. It will be easier to get sunburned and develop more serious problems, such as skin cancer.
It's important to understand that it's not uncommon to see it take as long as one year to actually become pregnant. If it takes longer than this, you should visit a doctor with your partner. They will let you know if you're having some kind of a medical issue that's preventing pregnancy.
While you are pregnant and your belly grows with your baby, rub cocoa butter on it. Cocoa butter can help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks after you have the baby. Having your partner do it is actually a great way of allowing him to bond with the child.
Make sure you can say no to food. You need to take in more calories when you are pregnant, but you don't need to eat at all times. There is nothing wrong with thanking people for the gesture but refusing to accept it.
Keep every appointment that you have made with your doctor so that you can be on top of problems before they happen. The important appointments scheduled by your doctor are to monitor your baby's development, and to see how you body responds. This will allow you to be sure that you and your baby are in the best shape.
It is okay to complain when you are pregnant. Pregnancy is no easy feat, particularly towards the end of it. Wanting to complain doesn't imply that you are unhappy with being pregnant.
Meditation or yoga can help with pregnancy mood swings. These exercise will help you relax. If your partner is struggling too, they may also benefit from engaging in this form of exercise.
Don't skimp on the folic acid when you are pregnant. A lot of vitamins and nutrients are important to a healthy baby and pregnancy, but you can reduce the risk for neural tube defects if you consume 600 mgs of folic acid a day. Aim for at least 400 milligrams every day even before you conceive, to fully prepare your body!
Are you pregnant and having a child soon? Do you plan on breastfeeding? Are you going to nurse in public, yet would like to be discreet? Research nursing clothing which will help you in that regard! Many maternity lines also carry "breastfeeding shirts." They cover you as you feed your child. Wearing this outfits helps mom to relax, which leads to a more relaxed baby as well. This can improve milk supply, eating habits and the overall nursing experience.
Don't count on giving birth on your due date; the date is just a rough estimate. If you put all of your faith in the fact that the baby will be born on that day, you may find yourself being let down. Instead, relish in the unknown, and enjoy the element of surprise.
Talk to your doctor throughout all steps of pregnancy. You will get a check-up and advice on pregnancy. Possible problems may be treated or rules out like obesity, thyroid problems, or diabetes.
If you have cats at home, have somebody else take care of the litter box duties during your pregnancy. Cat feces have a parasite in them that can cause something called toxoplasmosis in a human. Toxoplasmosis is something that can cause a stillborn baby or a miscarriage. You should also stay away from meats that are not thoroughly cooked, as they may also have this harmful parasite.
Always remember that your pregnancy will not last forever. After nine months, the parenting stage begins. Learning a few pregnancy tips along the way can improve the quality of those nine brief months - and keep them from feeling like nine long years!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Skin and hair problems in pregnancy

Hormonal changes taking place in pregnancy will make you nipples and the area around them go darker. Your skin color may also darken a little, either in patches or all over.
Birthmarks, moles and freckles may also darken. Some women develop a dark line down middle of their stomach. These changes will gradually fade after the baby is born, although your nipples may remain a little darker.

Stretch marks
These are pink or purplish lines that usually appear on your tummy or sometimes in your upper thighs or breasts. Some women get them and some don’t. it depends on your skin type, as some people skin is mare elastic, after your baby is born, the marks should gradually fade and become less noticeable.
It is very doubtful whether oils or creams help to prevent stretch marks.
You are more likely to get stretch marks if you weigh gain is more than average. Most women gain between 10kg and 12.5kg (22-28 lb) in pregnancy, although weigh gain varies a great deal and depends on your weight before pregnancy.
It’s important that you don’t diet, but eat healthily in pregnancy.
If you are concerned about your weight, talk to your midwife or GP. They may give you advice if you weight more than 100kg (about 15.5 stone) or less than 50kg (about 8 stone).

Mild itching is common in pregnancy because of the increased blood supply to the skin. In late pregnancy the skin of the abdomen is stretched and this may also cause itchiness.
Avoiding itching
Wearing loose clothes may help prevent itching, you may also want to avpid synthetic materials and go for natural ones, such as cotton, instead.
  • See your doctor if:
  • Your itching become severe.
  • You develop jaundice (yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin)

Hair growth can also increase in pregnancy, and your hair may be greasier. After the baby is born it may seem as if you are losing a lot of hair but you are simply losing the extra hair.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Faintness and headaches in pregnancy

Pregnant women often feel faint and get a lot of headaches. This is because of hormonal changes occurring in your body during pregnancy.

 Fainting happens if your brain is not getting enough blood and there for not enough oxygen. If your oxygen level get  too low, it may cause you to faint.
You are most likely to feel faint if you stand too quickly from a chair or out from a bath, but it can also happen when you are lying on your back.

Avoiding feeling faint
Here are some tips to help you cope:
  •  Try to get up slowly after sitting or lying down
  • If you feel faint when standing  still, find a seat quickly and the faintness should pass, if it doesn’t lie down on your side.
  • If you feel faint while lying on your back, turn on your side.

How to cope with headaches
Try to get more regular rest and relaxation.
Paracetamol in the recommended does is generally considered safe for pregnant women, but there are some painkillers that you should avoid in pregnancy, such as those containing codeine.

Speak to your pharmacist, midwife, GP nurse or health visitor about how much paraceamol you can take and for how long.

When to seek help
If you often have bad headaches, tell your midwife or doctor so that they can advice you. Severe of headaches can be a sign of high blood pressure and you should seek urgent advice, as this could indicate a serious condition called pre-eclampsia.

Backache and pelvic joint pain

As your baby grows, the hollow in your back may become more pronounced, and this can cause backache. During pregnancy, your ligmaent become softer and stretch to prepare you for labour. This can put a strain on the joints of your lower back and pelvis, which can cause backache.

To avoid backache:
To help prevent backache, there are some tips listed here will  help you to protect your back, try to do them every day:
  1. avoid lifting heavy objects
  2. bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting or picking up something from the floor
  3. work at a surface high enough to prevent you stooping
  4. try to balance the weight between two bags when carrying shopping
  5. wear flat shoes as these allow your weight to be evenly distributed
  6. sit with your back straight and well supported
  7. move your feet when turning round to avoid twisting your spine
  8. make sure you get enough rest, particularly later in pregnancy
When to get help
If you backache is very painful, ask your doctor to refer you to an obstetric physiotherapist at your hospital, they can give you advice and may suggest some helpful exercises.

Pain in pelvic joints
If during or after pregnancy you have pain in your pelvic joints when walking, climbing stairs or turning in bed, you could have pelvic girdle pain (PGP) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). this is a slight misalignment or stiffness of your pelvic joints at either the back or front of your pelvic. It affects up to one in four pregnant women to a lesser or greater extent. Some women have minor discomfort, other may find that it affects their ability to get around.

When to get help for pelvic joint paint

  • Getting diagnosed as early as possible can help to keep the pain to a minimum and avoid long-term discomfort.
  • Treatment usually involves gently pressing on or moving the affected joint so that it works normally again.
  • Ask a member of your maternity team for a referral to a manual physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor who is experienced in treating pelvic joint problems.

Use These Tips To Have The Best Pregnancy

Having a baby is not something that can be mastered overnight. Even after having a couple of children, you may still have questions and a lot more to learn. Use the information here to be a resource when you discover you are pregnant.

You should steer clear of the cat litter if you're pregnant. Toxoplasmosis is transmitted in cat feces and can harm your baby. Don't take any chances with your baby. Stay away from the cat litter.
Take photographs of yourself while pregnant and write to your unborn child. Seeing pictures of how their mom looked like while she was pregnant is something children love. Snap some pictures and write messages that they can read later on.

You need more calories when you're pregnant. You and your baby need food when you're pregnant. Try to eat food that is healthy, such as vegetables and fruits.
Use cocoa butter freely during your pregnancy. This improves skin's elasticity and helps to prevent stretch marks. Have your partner apply the lotion to you as a relaxing massage and a way to bond with the baby.

Writing down a birth plan may help you navigate the complicated array of emotions you are about to experience. Your birth plan can list out anything you think will make your labor and delivery easier, such as music selection, the people in the room, and the level of lighting. It might be lengthy, or even quite brief.
Do not pump gas when you are pregnant. Gas fumes are not good for the unborn baby. It's a better idea to ask for help rather than risk it.

See your dentist routinely and maintain good oral hygiene during your pregnancy. Gum disease and other dental problems can actually begin during pregnancy because of increased blood flow to the mouth. This can lead to gingivitis, cavities and other mouth conditions. Always brush your teeth at least twice per day, and don't forget to floss and use mouthwash. If there are any issues, make sure to get in touch with your dentist.

Take the time to investigate what premature labor looks like and when you need to go to the hospital. This is something that you want to know in case it happens. Knowledge is power, especially in serious situations such as these. The odds for a positive outcome will be a lot better if you know what to do and take action right away.

When trying to get pregnant, make sure you're eating healthy so that you get all the nutrition and vitamins you need. Folic acid is important to your baby's development, as well as other vitamins. Add a prenatal pill to your daily regimen for an added nutrition boost.

Doing kegel exercises is very helpful. They can be done any place, in very little time and without anyone knowing that you are doing them. Start by doing sets of ten, and hold each rep for at least 3 seconds. Making these a habit will strengthen the muscles used in delivery. This will stop incontinence issues from arising after birth, too.

One great way to find out what you need to know about pregnancy is to talk with someone you know who has recently had a baby. It is a good idea to get this information from someone experienced since they know firsthand what you are going through.
Sleeping while pregnant can be difficult. Once you hit your last trimester, it will feel like you spend more time in the bathroom at night than in your bed. Exercise can help reduce the cramps you may get in your legs. In the evening, do not consume as much fluid, so that you do not wake up because you have to go to the bathroom.
The tips included here will help you feel more knowledgeable about your pregnancy. If you are a bit scared or overwhelmed, this article can set those worries at ease with tips that are easy to follow and understand.

Monday, March 25, 2013

4 Positions for healthy breastfeeding

Be sure that this case is the most natural thing in the world, but this does not mean it is easy or even comfortable, how are you help in doing things? This is what help you of "Mother And Baby" specialists:

Some mothers surprised that it is not easy to put the child on their chest, Breast-feed needs exercise.
 You may face problems, including pain and sore nipples, and swollen preasts and dermatitis, these are common in the early days.

The milk generated rate -says midwife Rachel Adilov- rise if contiguity physical between a mother and her son during the first hour of birth.
 Jayne Collins says that expert of children feed : «It is worth continuing it, your milk provides 400 nutritious element  in addition to the Integrated balance of the fats, proteins and sugars and water needed by the child for growth and development, in the first six months, where transmitted antibodies of the immune system; to give him protection against ear and chest infections, urinary infections and stomach malaise
.Being comfortable with your child and push your child to breast easily, necessary things to ensure an effective and enjoyable breastfeeding, and finding this situation easier for the child to pick up the breast.

1- The cradle position:

Carry your baby so that your abdomen as opposed to his belly, and his head stable on your elbow soles, support im by the same hand in his back area, and put your hand on his thigh or buttocks  and scoop him up to the level of your chest, control in your breast with your other hand.

2- The cross cradle

The cross-cradle position allows you to have more control over how your baby latches on. Many moms find that they're able to get their babies latched on more deeply with this hold.
Instead of supporting your baby's head in the crook of your arm, use the hand of that arm to support your breast. Your opposite arm should come around the back of your baby. Support your baby's head, neck, and shoulder by placing your hand at the base of your baby's head with your thumb and index finger at your baby's ear level. Like the cradle hold, your baby will be belly to belly to you.

3- Football position

Put your baby between your side and your arm is received, support his shoulders and neck and the back of the neck with your hand and then scoop him up to your breast.

4- Lying down position 

Lying down on your side as well as your child facing the chest, take him in your lap, and put him comfortably on and support pillow his head with your hand.

The correct routine

Do not strain yourself expectations of how many times you are supposed to suckle your baby and how much time, a baby may suckle from 8-12 times in 24 hours. Likely to settle on a pattern of breastfeeding constant of 6-8 times a day every two or three hours, but let him suckle as much as what he wants, it may take 6 weeks to become your stock of milk enough for his needs, and the imposition of a particular system on breastfeeding may reduce this stock and therefore leads to stop you.

Leave him finish first breast firstly, but stopped and walked away use this time to take him to the other one, he may take it and may not, but make sure that the breast which breastfed him last time; to ensure the benefit of the milk.

Beware of obesity with pregnancy!

Woman weight Should not be more than 12 kilograms during the nine months of pregnancy , and at the same time she should not work for the loss of weight, this is achieved by maintaining on how many calories she eat each day, ranging from 100 to 300, for obesity  details affects pregnant and their effects, we'll provide some information:

Obesity by the World Health Organization (W.H.O) as accumulation of a large amount of fat in the body that lead to risks and many healthy problems, where this increase can be measured using «BMI» Body Mass Index, which is calculated by dividing weight 'kilogram' by the square of the height in 'meter', if the B.M.I equals 25 or more is considered overweight, and if 30 or more is considered obese, and if it reaches 40 or more they become 
too obese 
:To avoid excess weight  we advise pregnant women the following

- Commit to reducing sugars and sweets, biscuits and high-fat foods during the first months of pregnancy, and make your preferred food is milk, natural fruit and vegetables; They give a satiety 
sense, and save you from constipation often occurs for pregnant women.

- In the second half of pregnancy you should follow a balanced diet taking into account the interest of food, and do not eat greedily until no more weight abnormally; so you need to eat small meals at frequent intervals; So as 
not your stomach is growing.

Causes of Obesity1 - a genetic predisposition .
2 - Some diseases such as diabetes and Cushing's disease.
3 - use of certain drugs, such as cortisone and Steroids and antidepressants.
4 - Excessive food with do not appropriate movement to burn fat.

1- Abortion, where it become proportion of overweight larger than usual.

2- Increased rate of birth defects in embryos as a result of genetic reasons.

3 - Diabetes, where increased complications during pregnancy, whether if the disease was discovered during pregnancy, or if known in advance before pregnancy.

4 - A higher infection of heart disease, high blood pressure or pre-eclamptic.

5 -  
Dystocia as a result of the large size of the baby, and may lead to death if there is no potential fast for the birth by Cesarean section. and that rate rises a lot in such cases.

6 - The birth of a large baby weight (more than 4 kilograms) may continue until the child becomes obese.

7 - More exposure to give
 oxytocic as a result the growth of the child delayed within the womb.

8 - Clots after birth and Cesarean section; as a result of the inability of the obese mother movement, and exposure to the formation of veins clots may affect vital organs such as the brain, heart and lungs.

9 – The
re is difficulty in wound healing after delivery.

10 - Anesthesiology problems; whether full anesthesia to the difficulty of entering the anesthesia tube, or half of it to the difficulty of adapting obese pregnant with the right situation to make anesthesia injection, as well as take care of it after the operation; may need to enter in the intensive care unit.

11 - Feeling insomnia carrier is unable to sleep in a comfortable position, has up to a sense of depression, which may extend to after birth.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Encounter problems with your newborn

Waiting for the baby problems is not limited to the health aspects only, that was crawling stage, or cover electricity slots.
But there are other psychological problems to ensure his safety, and every mother should prepare herself to confront them.

Beware of pets at home.. especially in the growth stage of your baby, he is at risk of "toxoplasmosis" danger in the litter box.. Whether you empty it or left the cat ascend on the in the kitchens surfaces.

Do not leave your baby on the couch, or on a table under the pretext that he does not move left and right during the first four months.

Prepare sleep safe for your baby, do not let him sleep on his stomach, or in the same bed with you, there are a number of babies dying of suffocation, because of blanket wrap them or pillow, also advised not to breastfeed him when you in a lie.

Know why your baby crying? Crying is the first way to express his wishes .. Hungry or tired, or suffering from the disease.

Beware of navel inflation or redness of the skin around it,  always keep it dry after a cleanser, and it will fall alone after a week or two.

 Avoid your baby for toxic gases .. such as gas "carbon monoxide" which found in  swimming pool, or If leaking oven gas and chimney.

Rash hurts your baby, It comes as a result of wet urinate area .. And you have to differentiate between him and fungi.

Constipation or diarrhea both is a worrying problem, and they depend on the type of breast.

For the treatment of constipation put in your baby's mouth four drops of orange juice if he was suckle, and to treat diarrhea boil potatoes and rice and carrots, or an apple with rice if was eating, apples in favor of both diarrhea and constipation because fiber inside.

Do not be afraid of your baby secretions accompanied by a little blood, they are due to your hormones moved to him.

Sense a soft spot above your baby head, a sign of health.

To remove his head peel, rub the baby's head with oil, and left him for a night, then combed him.

Make your older child waiting for a new baby during the months of pregnancy, and let him participate in the purchase of new needs, and confirm his self-confident by tell him your memories with him when he was young, and do not forget to give him a warm kiss after breast-feed the baby.

Make happiness and signs of joy fill your features ..Your baby derives safety from you.

The correct specifications for children toys

Every mother want to meet all her child's basic requirements and even luxuries, the toys are the most important things that preoccupy the child to grow up, play is not just a concern or a waste of time but is an essential element in building the child's mind, growth and development, This is what makes it incumbent on parents when choosing there child's toys carefully commensurate with his age and the nature of the mind and body.

Children up to 6 months
At this stage of the child's age, child is not need to play, but to draw attention, so there are several specifications raise the attention of the child and ensure his safety, namely:- Be smooth cotton or sponge.

- To be brightly colored to love there look and play them.

- Should be free of sharp angles and the parties that can scratch or hurt his eyes.

- To be very light and easy to carry and not hurt if they fall out of his hand.
- It's not mind to be quiet sounds game or simple jingle to be attracted to looking at it.

- Not to be a small toy, easy to swallow.

- The child from of 6 months and up to two yearsChild begins at this stage playing pleasure all around him, regardless of whether it is a game or not, by 
fumbles things with his hands and put it in his mouth and walk around with it, so the mother into account the following

- To be fixed paint does not come out if he taste it or put it in his hand.

- To be light does not hurt if it fell out of his hand or threw it on someone.

- To be sized difficult to swallow.

- Not be where to put the batteries apparent so that it can pay it and puts it in his mouth.

- Not contain luminous material or toxic out of the toy if it broken.

- Not contain sharp corners to hurt him or hurt others.

- To bear the shocks; because the child at this age begin throwing anything so strongly even if he like it.

- Not rely on electricity toys.

 The child from 3 years to 5 years

In this age child's mind begins to evolve and grow and take advantage of everything around him, so it requires parents to take into account appropriate selection of toys to support the growth of mind and focus
And taking into account the following:

- - To be speaking toys and existence of forms, such as pronunciation of letters and words when pressed on the forms.

- To be a source of learning games as if contain a range of colors which learns the names of colors.

- Not contain sharp protrusions and harmless.

- Not be contact with electricity requirement for work, you can choose games that are electrically charged.

The child from 5 and up to 7 yearsIn this age, the child begins to differentiate between games of girls and those for boys, and start choosing toys himself not prevent him from it, but make sure that the games characterized with the following specifications:

- Games will not be harmful if containing beads or arrows with pistols boys.

- Be supported with 
safety accessories like additional aspects of bicycle and helmet head and knees and elbows garrisons.

- S
hould preferably a child learns at this age Lego installation, and the formation of multiple forms to get to know their names, and the development of his brain, and installation of puzzles and electronic games based on memory

Love only can remove your child's anxiety

 A young child- from 1 to 5 years - may suffer from anxiety, but he characterizes the tone of voice of his mother satisfaction and tranquility or anger and annoyance, responds in each case including its convenience, so tell us Dr. Ebtahge Tolba, Dean of Faculty of Kindergarten in Cairo, the most common causes for concern child , and indirect manifestations, and ways to treat it.


1 - The constant threat of child whenever he did something parents are not pleased with him.

2 - Repeated exposure to the positions of fear and danger, cruelty and violence, to the point where it becomes anxiety component of his personality, and this happens as a result of the rigors of a parent or hated him.

3 –Moves from the actions of the concerned mother or father .

4 - Repeated failure without finding assisted and guided.


- Easy to cry and abundance.

- Hyperactivity and instability, without a clear goal.

-  Anxiety 
child sleeps soundly, but disturbed sleep abound it to a standstill.

- Less appetite, and often get constipated, and sometimes diarrhea, and perhaps wounded vomit.

- Involves like solicitous.

- Frequent mistakes in his actions, making it exposed to the 
 punishment so the concern rises.

- His hand trembling cold wet with sweat, and the continuation of finger sucking, habit and loan nails, or shaking of his body.


The explicit expression of his need for love and compassion, they are the only viable treatment,  With sincere and generous love and appreciation and acceptance of a child ..and allowing for him to be safe and happy .. all fear and anxiety will go away.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Teach your child the Arranging

Do you feel that you do a lot of whining and complaining every time you ask your child to say "please"? Tired of remind him arrange his toys? Here's a proven way to make your little angel improves behavior.

We all want our children to enjoy the good morals and healthy habits, and smile a broad smile filled with pride when they lead by example that they are best created in kindergarten. But at any age your child is actually able to sit quietly when requested to do so, and to arrange his toys or to be polite, and what is the best way in which you can to reach your massage ?

According to the specialist child psychology Dr. Richard Wolfson, author of «why the children do this?» The «solution is to start teaching good habits and promotion in a very young age, up to months in some cases, even become habits automatic. And you have to be an example to them and interpret them the reason behind the importance of certain habits.

Experts say that this rule should be applied early, and a 18-month-old child can enjoy the game "Let's get our games in place with you" But expect to continue to do so until your daughter reaches four or five years, or let every child of your children is responsible for a different game, or you can play fun music and dance by arranging games.

And you should not forget to tell them the reason of the importance of arranging. And can make it clear to your daughter by saying: "it makes sense to put games away because it means they'll be able to find dolls, cars, tea set more easily" Try using colored boxes to make the task easier.

Washing hands after eating

According to Dr. Miriam Stoppard, author of the new child care, and an expert in M ​​& B: "that accustom a child to wash his hands before eating should begin during that phase where the child starts to crawl and make his hands dirty". She says that "the solution is to make it fun, as put soap on your hands can be fun".
You can be transformative to the game by trying to blow bubbles formed between your thumb and forefinger when you make circle. Sally adds: "I replaced soap by liquid soap mailbox with bright colors"

 Sally Wilson, Cecily's mother, three years ago. "Easier for Sisley to use it is like filling the basin and make bubbles in the water".

Not to play with food at mealtimeThe best way to instill table manners in your daughter is to let her join the family meals. Miriam explains, saying: "She will be able to see what is happening around them and 
eventually  will get used to the customs benign and good behavior that must be followed when eating.

With the end of her first year, your daughter will be able to get used more to feed herselve. But do not expect her to sit at the table in an appropriate manner at this age. A child at this age will be familiar to crawl and roaming, therefore, it would be unwilling to sit in one place for a long time. If your child insists on down from her seat, let her down, but let her come to sit again after five minutes, and you will quickly learn that food means to sit and eat.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How to be graceful after giving birth?

Do you abide by  healthy dietary rules and do sports activities for strength to be graceful and beautiful after birth? or do you improve to Beauty and fitness leave your body, and you feel embarrassed and dissatisfaction about yourself? did you change to clothes style, did you buy what suit and the new format!
This survey shows you some ways to get slim waist and shapely body. 

Q1: Do you drink a lot of fluids like milk and barley soup and malt drinks? 
a- Yes
b- Sometimes

Q2: inclined to fruits and fresh green leafy vegetables!
a- Always
b- No

Q3: Breastfeeding women need extra calories rate of 700 calorie; to secretion milk in the breast.
a- A fact I've read
b- I don't know

Q4: You have to eat more protein - eggs, cheese and legumes for better breastfeed.
a- Yes
B- No

Q5: it is necessary to obtain vitamins A, B, C from natural sources, such as milk and fresh fruits and vegetables.
a- Yes
b- I try

Q6: You take your comfort from sleep and relax for at least 8 hours!
a- Yes
b- I try so hard

Q7: Attention to the quality of food and away from the fat with some sports ... is the way to agility after birth.
a- Shure
b- Somewhat

Q8: Muscle strengthening exercises, keeps the breast size and strength and help to carry the child and his responsibilities.
a- To a large extent
b- To what extent

ResultsIf most of your answers "A"
You are a beautiful woman and mother, set fitness goals seek it, and it's not difficult, and does not need to suffer, just commitment by the healthy food rules to increese ability to secrete liters of milk each day for your child -also identified doctors- with muscles strengthen exercises that you can have a slim waist and shapely body after birth.

Though most of your answers "b"
We afraid that you obese and fat, And warn of postpartum depression! Like I see you see your body in mirror and may be sad , physical strength isn't able to assume the responsibilities of your child, and this makes you feel like a state of grief and the inability to do something positive!

But with the selection of healthy food and do some exercises, back pain away from you, muscle tension, and dis psychological pressures, rising your energy levels, and you can counter anxiety or depression, sport open appetite and make your sleep more comfortable, With a sense of a beautiful serenity psychological.

What do you know about the signs of autism?

Autism affects evolutionary device for children, it appears during the first three years of age, and continue with him for lifelong.. so what do you know about this disease?
We will correct your information through this simple test:

Q1. Autism is a disability that affects child's brain development and continuance
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q2. Symptoms of autism continue with the child for life

a- I know
b- I don't know

Q3. Incidence of 1 of every 500 children, and affects males more than females at a rate of 4: 1.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q4. Disease due to organic and chemical agents.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q5. Quarter of autistic intelligence in the normal range
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q6. The main symptoms are specific repetitive movements.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q7. Patient don't rejoice to see his mother, do not look to the person who spoke to him, suffers from hearing problems and his behavior is rude.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q8. Behaves like living in a world of its own and alone.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q9. Starts deteriorating skills after the age of 24 months.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q10. Haunted by bouts of screaming, swinging forward and back..focuses on the forms and figures.
a- I know
b- I don't know

Q11. Some gave them aggressive behavior, and 10% of them have special talents.
a- I know
b- I don't know

If you had many information (8 - I know) then you are familiar with good and sufficient signs of autistic child, and it's nice to know that the autistic child's family not only have recourse to  speech and language's disease specialist  to assess the situation first..  access to the rehabilitation process.

Our advice: Learn about diseases that affect the child ..Manifestations, their causes and ways to deal with them.

If most of your answers "I don't know" this is a significant shortening as a mother, You should follow the negative phenomena that you see on the child  in his words and deeds, such as the delay in speech, or unduly aggressive behavior, or difficulty in the use of pronouns.

Our advice: any diagnose  based on direct observation and accurate to the child's behavior and his relationship with his close persons, addition to his growth rates, is it healthy or late?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fat affect on fetus weight and his life

Researchers at the University of Southampton UK Confirmed that, eating pregnant large and elevated amounts of fats in cooking oils, nuts, may affect birth weight in fetus life,
and advised pregnant eating more fish oils known amino acids "omega-3", which gives the fetus after birth life better, the children who were born to mothers who used higher levels of "omega-3" during pregnancy, found to have a greater fatty lumps in their bodies.

As studies have confirmed by researchers Hospital Princess Alexandra U.S., found that women who have undergone surgery for weight reduction, need when postponing the idea of pregnancy for at least one year after surgery to safe their pregnancy, some studies have indicated the potential risk of premature labor between women who undergo surgery treatment of obesity , and only become pregnant within a year of surgery, stressing that the fetus is facing a shortage of nutrition affects growth, obesity also increases the risk of gestational diabetes.

On the other hand, researchers research Center of Public Health in Spain, that breast milk contains over of 700 species of bacteria, help the child to digest milk or strengthen his immune system, and has their analysis samples of «colostrum», the first milk secreted mother after birth , and samples of milk after 6 months of birth, showing the presence of bacteria in the baby's mouth, and pointed out that women who suffer from overweight or who cesarean surgery conducted have milk contains less diverse bacteria

Beware of obesity with pregnancy!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dangers of smoking on baby

The figures tell us that 45% of women smokers aged 20-35 years is the age of marriage and pregnancy and lactation and reproduction! In contrast, a scientific fact confirms that: 35% of the children of smokers pregnant less intelligence than others, and develop a degree of mental retardation and other problems.

Hence the importance of studies, issued by the "Maternal and Child Health" at Ain Shams Specialized Hospital about the dangers of smoking on the fetus and pregnant or breastfeeding for the baby, and was supervised by a specialized group of professors of pediatrics and psychology and sociology. By answering mothers questions.

intensive therapy 

Q. Are infant and child influenced by what is known as passive smoking?

Babies breathe at a faster rate, so constantly develop medical problems may intervening intensive care rooms, and smoking in front of them, they can inhale about -102 pack of cigarettes - up to the age of five.

Smokers pregnant
Q. To what extent does women's addiction of smoking on the fetus time of conception?

1- Addiction lead to injuries to the fetus, and may continue until after the birth, and cause intrauterine growth inhibition, and the incidence of deformities and bleeding in the brain, and eye injuries.

2- Percentage of fertilization to less than 50% as a result of abuse of the process of storing  oocytes. That the negative impact of nicotine.

3- Anticipating abortion during the first two months of pregnancy, or drop the fetus frequently, and many times ectopic pregnancy occurs, and double this by the amount of cigarettes that you take smoked per day.

4- Premature birth or early placental abruption, as double placental hematoma behind more than twice.

5- Along with delays in the growth of the fetus inside the uterus, and that 11% of fetal death due to smoking.

Degree of adaptation
Q. Is there a risk during the situation?

Increases fetal mortality before childbirth, as less able adapt newborn with the environment then, and decreases weight proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and there respiratory diseases such as: asthma, skin infections, infections ear central, in addition to decreased intelligence capacities of the child and the difficulties in the process of conservation, with overgrowth in the movement, and quarrelsome and behavioral disorder.

Smoke continues
Q. What happens if the mother continues to smoke after childbirth?

Smoke moves through the channels feeding, causing the infant lethargy, sleep excessive, asthenia with a weak ability to breast, and the milk reduces substantially to 690 instead of 960 toxic substances "nicotine" in  smoke through milk, affects the respiratory system of the infant .becoming more and has a ratio of respiratory diseases; cough, asthma and bronchial infections and throat