Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Avoid Pregnancy

It had been a burning topic from the years that how to avoid pregnancy. Many new couple or the young couples keep on searching for the ways to avoid pregnancy without taking any pills or any other medical drugs. The couples though try hard to avoid pregnancies without using any medical drugs but in reality there is no such technique or tool to minimize the chances of pregnancy. The only thumb rule to avoid pregnancy is to avoid sex. It means that if u do sex without precaution then there will be a chance of getting pregnant. So, it’s better to take some pills or use condoms when you don’t want your partner to get pregnant after sex tonight.

There are many pills and other contraceptive measures which can help you to avoid pregnancy. The myths and old wives stories do not work because these are only the myths which are being tried by the different people. The prevention taken in the form of condoms not only minimizes the chances of pregnancy but also protects you from the diseases like HIV and AIDS. So, it’s better to use condoms when you do sex, in order to minimize the chances of getting pregnant. Moreover, you can minimize the chances of getting pregnant by using contraceptive pills within 72 hours of unprotected sex.

Tips on how to avoid pregnancy
There are several ways which can be used to avoid pregnancy. Some of the ways have been given below which will help you to avoid pregnancy:

Condoms: The condoms are one of the best ways to avoid pregnancy. They not only save you from getting pregnant but also protect you from getting effected to the HIV/AIDS or STD (sexually Transmitted Disease). You can use condom when you don’t want your partner to get partner after doing the sex.

Pills: The contraceptive pills are also very helpful in avoiding the chances of pregnancy. Some pills can be taken within 72 years to avoid pregnancy whereas some are needed to be taken daily when you dos ex regularly with your partner.

Avoid Drinks: It is important to note that many of the teen agers get pregnant due to taking alcohol. This happens because they don’t pay proper attention or forgot to take precautions while doing sex and as a result get pregnant.

Check Ovulation Period: You can also avoid pregnancy by calculating the ovulation period of your partner. According to this theory, the mid time that is the 14th or 15th day is the time when there is most chances of getting pregnant if you do sex with your partner.

Consult a Doctor: The best way is to consult your doctor so that he could suggest you better options as per your situation.

Sex during Period: Sometimes people have confusion that sexes during periods are safe but this is not the truth. A woman ma get pregnant even during that period because you would never know that when the eggs get fertilized.

No Sex: The best way to avoid pregnancy is to avoid sex if you don’t want to get pregnant. You can try some oral ways with your partner to get satisfaction.

There are various tips given above which will help you to know that how to avoid pregnancy. The ways given above will be helpful to you but sometimes none of them is 100% safe. So, you should know about it properly or consult reputed medical practitioner who will suggest you the best ways to avoid pregnancy. The precautions could also safe you from STD's

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