Saturday, March 23, 2013

Encounter problems with your newborn

Waiting for the baby problems is not limited to the health aspects only, that was crawling stage, or cover electricity slots.
But there are other psychological problems to ensure his safety, and every mother should prepare herself to confront them.

Beware of pets at home.. especially in the growth stage of your baby, he is at risk of "toxoplasmosis" danger in the litter box.. Whether you empty it or left the cat ascend on the in the kitchens surfaces.

Do not leave your baby on the couch, or on a table under the pretext that he does not move left and right during the first four months.

Prepare sleep safe for your baby, do not let him sleep on his stomach, or in the same bed with you, there are a number of babies dying of suffocation, because of blanket wrap them or pillow, also advised not to breastfeed him when you in a lie.

Know why your baby crying? Crying is the first way to express his wishes .. Hungry or tired, or suffering from the disease.

Beware of navel inflation or redness of the skin around it,  always keep it dry after a cleanser, and it will fall alone after a week or two.

 Avoid your baby for toxic gases .. such as gas "carbon monoxide" which found in  swimming pool, or If leaking oven gas and chimney.

Rash hurts your baby, It comes as a result of wet urinate area .. And you have to differentiate between him and fungi.

Constipation or diarrhea both is a worrying problem, and they depend on the type of breast.

For the treatment of constipation put in your baby's mouth four drops of orange juice if he was suckle, and to treat diarrhea boil potatoes and rice and carrots, or an apple with rice if was eating, apples in favor of both diarrhea and constipation because fiber inside.

Do not be afraid of your baby secretions accompanied by a little blood, they are due to your hormones moved to him.

Sense a soft spot above your baby head, a sign of health.

To remove his head peel, rub the baby's head with oil, and left him for a night, then combed him.

Make your older child waiting for a new baby during the months of pregnancy, and let him participate in the purchase of new needs, and confirm his self-confident by tell him your memories with him when he was young, and do not forget to give him a warm kiss after breast-feed the baby.

Make happiness and signs of joy fill your features ..Your baby derives safety from you.

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