Monday, May 13, 2013

An easy way to clean leather upholstery

Can you repair leather upholstery that get dirty due to the occurrence of stains on them?

Of course it can, with ease, without the use of expensive cleaning materials, here's the easy way.

 You need to:

* Soap dishes.
* Water.
* Soft cloth and clean
* Pot.

Cleaning method:

Start by filling the bowl with water. Then, add to it a few drops of clear soap, and stir to mix can see the bubbles. Rub the skin with a piece of cloth without wetting much. Repeat the process until the skin becomes clean.

 Additional tips:

* When the skin becomes clean, my skin polisher.
* If you need more cleaning power, multiply with soap and water on the cloth, but do not overdo it, because the skin does not like humidity.

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